Sunday, February 6, 2011

And This is a Good Idea...Why?

This all started with me wanting to lose weight. I've done it before. Quite successfully I might add. But I seem to end up back at the same the recliner, in front of the TV.
I was surfing around, looking for inspiration, when I came across the blog Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. There was a lot of really good stuff on their site. They focused not so much on weight, but more on finding the life you want to live.
Bingo! That is exactly what I need.
I am a mother, wife, daughter, teacher, but I don't really know who I am anymore. Somewhere along the way I lost myself. I look in the mirror and I see a different person. Yes, the greying hair and 50 extra pounds have something to do with it. But, it's more than that. I don't laugh as much. I worry way too much. I feel like I'm letting my life slip by.
So, what to do?
One of the suggestions on the Sisterhood site is to keep a blog. I am not a writer, nor do I pretend to be a writer. The thought of being so public with my thoughts and struggles makes my stomach flip. Worse than that, what if someone I know reads my blog?
I read a few blogs from the site. They were good, inspiring. And then, there it was. One of the blogs was written by someone I know. Not a close friend. A friend of a friend. We were in a Bunco group a long time ago. She looked great...happy, enthusiastic, healthy, glowing. It was like a tap on my shoulder, or maybe more like a nudge in the right direction. It made me think, it's time.
Time for me. I'm thinking it's a good idea.